About the Vineyard Book


Book Overview

  • 330 pages
  • all photographs in full color
  • 92 figures and 35 tables of useful information
  • 100 line drawings
  • Metric and standard units

Chapter List

  1. Introduction
  2. Sprayer Layouts and Components
  3. Nozzles and Droplets
  4. Nozzle Selection and Calibration
  5. Adjusting the Sprayer for Improved Deposition
  6. Canopy and Herbicide Sprayers
  7. Handheld and Small Sprayers for the Smaller Vineyard
  8. Pesticide Drift and Its Reduction
  9. Safety and Reducing Operator Contamination and Exposure
  10. Effective Vineyard Spraying
  11. Management of the Spraying Operation
  12. Precision Spraying in the Vineyard
  13. Sustainable Plant Protection within Sustainable Viticulture

Additional Content (included with each book)

  • Video clips on calibration and nozzle selection
  • Select the best sprayer for your needs using “what-if” spreadsheet programs
  • Worksheets to record critical spraying information
  • The password required to access the Additional Content webpage is included with a book purchase.